Saturday, September 18, 2010

Put up links to the fanpages

Today, I put up the links to both my own Morgan Drake Eckstein fanpage and the Bast Temple (Golden Dawn, Denver Colorado) fanpage on a page of the Bast Temple website. While there is probably not a large audience for my work (after all I am a niche writer), I still wanted to get the links up.

The reason I am going with fanpages is multi-fold.

The first and most important reason is that silly 5000 friend limit on Facebook. After seeing a couple of writers on Facebook dealing with this limit and having to set up fanpages for themselves, I decided that I would just sidestep the problem and set up my fanpages early.

The second reason as I have noted before here and elsewhere is that I play a lot of games on Facebook. I am quite sure (ok I know for a fact) that some people are annoyed by this aspect of my life.

The third reason is that I am getting better at shameless self-promotion. Or at least, I think that I am getting better at it.

The fourth reason is that it is harder for your account to get removed from Facebook for spamming people if the offending page is an actual fanpage. (Long story involving dirty Golden Dawn Order politics...of course, I have no idea why the one party wasn't using a fanpage in the first place.)

Fifth and final reason, occasionally my personal life erupts on my personal Facebook wall and I would like to keep some of it locked in the closet.

I also put up a link page on each of my blogs for my writer's fanpage, and one on my Golden Dawn blog for the lodge's fanpage (different audiences, different levels of interest in the fanpages I figured).

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