Seeking editorials and non-fiction articles on paganism, occultism, magic, witchcraft, and Wicca; fiction and poetry; humor and cartoons; artwork and photographs.
The holidays for next issue are Imbolc and Ostara, and the special focus of the issue is on wealth, luck, and prosperity.
Deadline: December 22nd.
Email submissions to basttemple at msn dot com
Wealth and the Lucky Witch---Denver Witch Quarterly (Imbolc/Ostara 2017)--coming January 15, 2017 (pre-orders available soon)
And once again it is time to kick around what I want to accomplish during the upcoming year (other than to stay healthy and to generally annoy people).
Well, I am hoping to get the first installment of my little Necronomicon satire finished---hopefully by the time that the mercury retrograde is done later this month.
Then I have to work on the October issue of Denver Witch Quarterly. (We are always looking for submissions--email them to basttemple at msn dot com.) This involves writing up a couple of news reports, a ritual, and possibly doing a book review or two. And formatting and uploading. And some minor bookkeeping (with this second issue, I have to start tracking numbers....because we might sell enough copies for some of the contributors to get paid--or not).
And then we have four other issues of DWQ over the next year. (Did I mention that we are always looking for submissions?)
I have a few other satire bits that I would like to work on. And perhaps some coloring pages.
Remember that satire is fatal to some people.
And there are a few series that I need to write the first novels for. (I am not sure which one will be done first...and November is a little ways away, so I do have time to decide.) And one of the series include something involving tentacles....because tentacles!!!
And like always there will be a certain amount of copy and art done for the Tarot Blog Hop, and a couple of articles for the Hermetic Tablet, and I might work on the astrology dictionary that I have planned. Plus there might be some other pieces done for projects being done by other people.
And of course, I am going to start writing erotica again under one of my many other secret pen-names. (The rule is if Mom would be upset for the church to find out about it, then it is under a pen-name....because Mom's reputation is more important than mine--and this is despite the fact that she is dead.)
And I am going to do some more YouTube videos...probably.
Past Hierophant Golden Dawn (Hermetic), ordained Wiccan minister, science fiction writer, does not reveal pen-names. Convicted of black magick, oath breaking, community endangerment, and treason, he has been righteously banned from the community by Third Order, the only Wiccan leaders that matter, and his most successful witch sister. Avoid this man at all costs. No longer allowed inside secret societies, or to attend Open Full Moons. Ye have been warned.