Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Counting the subscribers

One of the things that I can't help to notice is the number of subscribers to my blogs.

Honestly, I try not to notice this number. Noticing it leaves me open to the doubt "What did I do wrong?" when someone choses to unsubscribe.

Like yesterday, I noticed that someone unsubscribed from my Golden Dawn blog. Instantly, I was wondering what I posted that they did not like.

Then I looked over the latest set of posts, especially the last one, and decided that if they unsubscribed because of them, they were probably going to unsubscribe sooner or later anyways. Bottom line, I am a man of strong opinions; sooner or later, I will say something that annoys you.

I try not to let a sudden unsubscription get me down. Besides as some of the "blog building" blogs I read say "If you are not upsetting people, you are probably not passionate about your subject in the first place."


Lavanah said...

I have noticed on my own blog that I gain subscribers when I go for long periods without making posts. At least you have some clue as to the behavior and thought processes of the people who read (and stop reading) your blogs.

Morgan Drake Eckstein said...

Hmmm...I have no idea of what to make of people subscribing during a hiatis period.